All Things New

Whoever you are, wherever you are from, you are welcome here.

Visiting for the first time? Fill out a connect card and collect your free gift at the foyer desk! 

Answer the call to GO and make disciples!

Join us on our upcoming missions trip to Paraguay this fall! Click the buttons below to get more information or to register as a member of our team!

Making Christ-like disciples.

Living Well Church | Salem, VA is a place where people can meet Jesus, believers can engage in life-giving community, and everyone is welcome. We believe in creating a space where people can have authentic encounters with Christ, discover their gifts and use them for Him. Join us for our Sunday services! 

Become part of the family.

From small groups to weekend meetups, cookouts to Saturday morning coffee, we have dozens of opportunities for people to gather together in community weekly, encouraging one another closer to a life devoted to Christ. 

Latest Sermon

Join us for service each Sunday morning at 11am. You can also live stream the service from home on our website, mobile app, or Facebook. 

Gathering Times

Sunday Service at 11am
Wednesday Small Groups  at 7pm
Monday Choose Recovery at 6pm